Get Involved

How can YOU be involved?

Volunteer in the Park
Roll up your sleeves with family, friends and neighbors at Coastal’s waterfront cleanups, raking events, and flower planting events, held throughout the year. Sign up to volunteer and receive emails about upcoming events.

Separate your Food Scraps
Separate your food scraps from your regular trash, and put them curbside in your brown NYC compost container. You'll keep them out of the landfill and help curb global warming, since rotting food emits methane -- a greenhouse gas that's 10x more potent than carbon dioxide. Learn more about how to start and why it matters.

Share your Ideas
We need community input to improve our local parks and protect our waterfront. Voice your concerns and ideas at meetings and events organized Coastal, A Better College Point Civic Association, and Community Board 7. Respond to calls for action emailed by Coastal and ABCPCA.

Send a check
Running a volunteer organization requires money -- to make banners, purchase supplies, host events, and advertise. Contribute to Coastal and help us continue to help the environment! Pledge your donation online and mail a check to Coastal Preservation Network.

In-kind donations
Not every donation needs to be monetary. Donations of goods or services are of tremendous help. Contact CPN at 917.612.0235 to discuss your in-kind contribution. Some examples of how College Point businesses have pitched in:

  • HSP Inc. donated their bucket truck for several consecutive years, so that we could decorate our Christmas tree at MacNeil Park, adding lights from top to bottom.
  • Frank Marando Landscape Inc. transported and planted a Weeping Beech tree in MacNeil Park. CPN bought the tree with a grant, to replace a 100+-year-old weeping beech that was dying (and has  since died and been removed).
  • Pepsi Bottling Co. and Starbucks have donated beverages for our events.
  • Home Depot has donated shovels, trash bags, and gloves to support our clean-ups and plantings.
  • Toys r Us (RIP!), Whitepoint Cleaners, Millie’s Salon, and College Meat Center donated gift certificates as event raffle prizes.
  • The College Point Community Ambulance Corps has stationed an ambulance at events to tend to health emergencies that may arise.